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Salted Herbs

Prep Time:

10 minutes

Cook Time:





About the Recipe


  • 1 cup chopped fresh chives

  • 1 cup chopped fresh savory

  • 1 cup chopped fresh parsley

  • 1 cup chopped fresh chervil

  • 1 cup grated carrots

  • 1 cup chopped celery leaves

  • 1 cup chopped green onions

  • ¼ - ½ cup salt.


  1. In a large bowl, combine all ingredients except salt.

  2. Layer 1” of herb mixture in the bottom of a crock or glass bowl and sprinkle with some of the salt.

  3. Repeat layers until all of the herb mixture and salt is used.

  4. Cove and refrigerate for at least 2 weeks.

  5. Drain off accumulated liquid and pack herb mixture into jars.

  6. Refrigerate until ready to use.

*Note: If you don’t have fresh ingredients, use the dried instead and adjust for taste.

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