About the Recipe

5 ½ – 6 lbs. apples – peeled, cored and sliced thin.
4 ½ cups sugar
1 cup cornstarch OR 2 cups flour (I prefer the cornstarch)
2 teaspoons cinnamon (adjust to taste preference)4 teaspoons nutmeg (adjust to taste preference)
1 teaspoon salt
3 Tablespoons lemon juice
3 drops yellow food coloring
Apple corers and slicers are faster and very helpful in making sure that the thickness of the apple is uniform. This is important when you bake your pies.
In a large saucepan blend the first five ingredients. Stir in ten cups of water. Cook and stir until thickened and bubbly. Then add the apples and cook another 15 minutes. Add lemon juice and food coloring. Pack the apple mixture in the jar leaving 1-inch head space. Use a cold pack canner and process in boiling water – 15 minutes for pints and 20 minutes for quarts. This recipe makes 6 quarts.