About the Recipe
How to make fermented garlic honey; a tasty condiment with cold and flu combatting abilities, immune-boosting properties, and an impressive shelf-life; perfect for enjoying for years to come! Best of all, all you need is two ingredients and a sterilized jar!
1 cup raw honey
1. You’ll need to peel the garlic using one of several methods. Then transfer the peeled garlic cloves to a sterilized glass jar with an airtight seal.
2. It’s a good idea to lightly crush or chop the cloves in half to speed up the fermentation process. Alternatively, you could prod the whole cloves a few times – to encourage the release of their juices into the honey.
1. Fill the jar with honey, mix it, and then seal it.
2. Once sealed, turn the jar upside down (this is why a good seal is essential) and set it aside. Place a plate beneath the jar, just in case, though I’ve never had issues with overspill/leaks.
3. For two weeks, you’ll need to ‘burp’ the jar daily. To do this, open the lid to allow any build-up of gases (co2) to release and then close, shake (or stir it), turn upside down, and set aside again.
Be quick while doing this as too much oxygen introduced to the honey and garlic at this stage can impact the fermentation process. Just a quick opening of the lid should be enough to release the gases.
During this time, you’ll likely see "activity" in the form of foaming or bubbling within the jar. The amount can vary, and it won’t always be majorly noticeable. The honey will become more watery, too, as the garlic releases liquid into the mixture.
4. After two weeks, the fermented garlic is ready to enjoy, though I’d wait a month for even better results! If you don’t plan on using it very often, then it may still need burping occasionally, though the build-up of gases will slow down over time.
1. Store the jar of fermented garlic and honey in a cool dark location away from direct sunshine – like a kitchen cupboard or pantry. As long as you store the honey with an airtight lid and don’t allow any moisture to enter the jar, then the garlic honey can last for years!
Note that it’s normal for the honey and garlic to darken over time – it’s even normal for your garlic to turn blue/green (though this isn’t typical for a honey ferment)- it’s a natural reaction.
To avoid manually burping the jar: You can use a self-burping bale wire jar (fido jars) or purchase jars with airlock lids or other ferment lids. Just make sure to shake the jar still to keep the honey submerged.
Using fermenting weights: One way to make sure the garlic stays submerged under the honey even before it naturally sinks is to use fermenting weights. You can buy fermenting jars that come with weights to fit those jars specifically.
The fresher the garlic, the better: Try to use the freshest garlic that you can as it will produce the quickest and best ferment.
Leave a little headspace: While it’s not 100% necessary to do so, some batches may foam up more than others and cause overspill (especially with self-burping jars. For that reason, I always leave headspace at the top of the jar.
The perfect fermentation period: The best time to begin enjoying your fermented garlic honey is when the main fermentation is over; it won’t be as foamy, the honey will have thinned out and started to darken, and the honey will have sunk to the bottom of the jar. This usually takes between 4-6 weeks. Though waiting 3 months is even better. If you have the patience, I recommend making sure some are left in the jar after a year for a genuinely delicious surprise!
How much honey to use: While it’s important to use enough honey to submerge the garlic entirely, there IS such a thing as too much honey when it comes to fermenting. I recommend using around a 1:1 ratio of garlic to honey. If you use too much, then the anti-microbial properties in the honey will essentially ‘smother’ the garlic rather than allow it to release its juices and begin the fermentation process. If you want to add more honey, you may also need to add a little water to the honey to kickstart the fermentation process.